my trend analysis

What might trend today will not trend tomorrow

  • Why we buy

    We buy because it's trendy and but have you ever thought about classical fashion. I am going to share you something here, velvet was seen as the mark of rich, but  time changed and people moved to more linen style fashion. leaving it oblivion

  • when we buy

 The time you decide to buy it is your subject of taste and expression where you         believe it to be the latest trend, based on the standard. Now standard here means your   vicinity crowd you draw comparison based on the clothes and fashion they carry    also  luxury attached to the fashion and clothes. 

  • pocket size
One might see the standard lying into this fashion and then decide to allow the pocket to sway.
allowed  pocket size can be alluring to go for the prestige and glory. one might have toiled hard for the money but wardrobe will look full of clothes where the luxury counts

Today, we took a peek on the trend analysis, all above points may concur with the people who have settled this thought of  dress to impress.  but remember the fashion for passion never goes out. Choosing a fashion statement is hard metrics of look, glare, color and other factors . Which i will be talking about in my future post.

Man wearing blue denim shirt with rolled sleeves, tan chinos 1
